Tauck Nowegian Fjords and Coastal Treasures Cruise, 2022
Aboard the Ponant Ship Le Dumont d'Urville

Norwegian Cruise Route Le Dumont d'Urville

Bergen, Norway
Olden, Norway
Hellesylt & Geiranger, Norway
Alesund & Alnes, Norway
Stavenger, Norway
Arendal, Norway
Göteborg, Sweden
Oslo, Norway

There are more than a thousand fjords in Norway, all along the coast, but most of the iconic fjords, are located in an area called Fjord Norway, in the western part of the country. Many fjords resemble still blue lakes yet consist of saltwater (sometimes mixed with fresh water from the rivers and glaciers) as they are prolonged arms of the sea, often reaching deep inland with majestic mountains towering above them on both sides. [visitnorway.com]

Norwegian Fjord Cruise, June-July, 2022

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Bergen, Norway

Bergen is the second-largest city in Norway, located on the peninsula of Bergenshalvøyen. Bergen was traditionally thought to have been founded by king Olav Kyrre in 1070 AD, although trading settlements were established earlier. [Wikipedia]

Fløibanen Funicular Tunnel, Bergen

Fløyen is a 1300-ft peak in Bergen that provides impressive views of the city. The peak can be reached by the Fløibanen, a 2790-ft long cable funicular.

Scene on Trail Down Mount Fløyen
Approaching Top of Mount Fløyen, Bergen View of Bergen from Mount Fløyen Wandering Goats on Trail Down Mount Fløyen
Interior Rosenkrantz Tower Interior Rosenkrantz Tower Interior, Håkon's Hall View of Bergen Harbor from Rosenkrantz Tower Bergen Waterfront
Bergen Street Scene Bergen Street Scene Maritime Monument, Bergen Town Square Maritime Monument, Bergen Town Square

The Maritime (or Sailor's) Monument depicts Norwegian seafaring history, starting with the age of the Vikings through modern era sailors.

Maritime Monument, Bergen Town Square Maritime Monument, Bergen Town Square
Mariakirken Mariakirken Mariakirken Pigeons Håkon's Hall Home of Edvard Grieg Studio of Edvard Grieg
Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen Roof Details, Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen Stone Cross from Troja in Stola at Fantoft Stave Church Altar, Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen Pew Carving, Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen Pew Carving, Fantoft Stave Church, Bergen

Olden, Norway & Briksdal Glacier

Cruising the Njordfjord into Olden Cruising the Njordfjord into Olden Olden, Norway Scenery Njordford View from Mount Hoven
Waterfall at Briksdal Glacier Briksdal Glacier Briksdal Glacier Mr. Happy at Briksdal Glacier Loen Skylift Cable Car Tower at top of Mount Hoven, Loen, Norway Loen Skylift Cable Car Tower at top of Mount Hoven, Loen, Norway Loen Skylift Cable Car Tower at top of Mount Hoven, Loen, Norway

Hellesylt, Geiranger & Geirangerfjord

Cruising in the Geirangerfjord Small Town Outside Geirander Village Village of Geirander Launching a Tender from the Le Durmont D'urville Scenery on Geirangerfjord Coach Tour
Friaren (the Suitor) Waterfall, Geirangerfjord Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour View of Durmont d'Urville in Harbor at Geirander Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour
de Syv Søstre (the Seven Sisters) Waterfall, Geirangerfjord Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour View of Durmont d'Urville in Harbor at Geirander Scenery on Geirangerfjord Coach Tour View from Strandafjellet Ski Center
View from Strandafjellet Ski Center View from Strandafjellet Ski Center View from Strandafjellet Ski Center Geirangerfjord Scenery on Coach Tour Geirangerfjord Cascades

Alnes Fyr Lighthouse

Alesund & Alnes, Norway

Cruising into Alesund, Norway View of Alnes from Lighthouse View of Alesund from Mt. Aksla View of Alesund from Mt. Aksla View of Alesund from Mt. Aksla

Giske Church is a white marble church in Alesund, built in the 12th century. The church fell into disrepair until 1756 when a new owner started extensive renovation, including interior carvings by a local craftsman. [Wikipedia]

Giske Church Altar
Giske Church, Alesund Giske Church Pulpit, Alesund Giske Church Altar

Stavenger, Norway

Cruising the Lysefjorden Cruising the Lysefjorden
Cruising the Lysefjorden Cruising the Lysefjorden Cruising the Lysefjorden Cruising the Lysefjorden Cruising the Lysefjorden

Arendal, Norway

Lille Torungen and Store Torungen Lighthouses, Arendal Town of Arendal w/Sandvigodden Lighthouse, Arendal Sailboats in Harbor, Arendal View of Arendal from top of Fløyheia View of Arendal from top of Fløyheia
Arendal Scenery Arendal Scenery Le Dumont d'Urville from Arendal Waterfront View of Arendal from top of Fløyheia Arendal Waterfront with Treffoldighetskirken (Trinity Church) Stained glass window from Trinity Church

Oslo, Norway

The Vigeland Sculpture Park features 212 bronze and granite sculptures, all designed by Gustav Vigeland. The most famous sculpture, the Monolith, was carved from a single piece of granite. Working from a clay model, it took 3 masons 14 years to complete, starting in 1929.

Overview of Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo The Monolith, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Looking from the Monolith into the Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Sculptures, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Sculptures, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo
Sculpture, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Sculptures, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Fountain in Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Closeup of Monolith, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo Sundial Sculpture, Vigelund Sculpture Park, Oslo The Wheel of Life Sculpture, Vigeland Sculpture Park, Oslo

The Kon-Tiki museum is dedicated to the journeys of Thor Heyerdahl. It houses the Kon-Tiki, a balsa-wood raft that he sailed from Peru to Polynesia, and the Ra II, a boat made of reeds which he sailed from North Africa to the Caribbean.

The Ra II at the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo The Kon-Tiki at the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo The Kon-Tiki at the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo The Kon-Tiki at the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo

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