Alaskan Expedition Photos, 5/31/09 - 6/7/09

Day 4 - Glacier Bay

Wednesday June 3, Day 4 of the expediton started with a stop at Bartlett Cove, headquarters of Glacier Bay National Park, to pick up a park ranger who would guide us through the park. The cruise to Glacier Bay took us to South Marble Island, a habitat for sea lions and a variety of sea birds, including tufted puffins, a favorite of the ship's passengers. Along the way we spotted a mountain goat with her kid, probably less than one week old.

Once in Glacier Bay, the scenery changed from wildlife to ice, with views of the Lamplugh, Carroll, Margerie and Grand Pacific Glaciers. After waiting nearly forty-five minutes for a spectacular calving event, we had to be satisfied with only a relatively small splash. On the return trip, black bears took center stage in Geike Inlet. The day ended with a sunset docking back at Bartlett Cove and a visit to the nature exhibits in the national park visitor center.

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Boat in Bartlett Cove Approaching the Dock at Bartlett Cove Glacier Bay Scenery Cruise Ship in Glacier Bay Glacier Bay Scenery
South Marble Island Scenery Sea Lions in Marble Islands Glacier Bay Scenery with Sea Lions Sea Lions, South Marble Island
Nesting Black-Legged Kittiwakes, South Marble Island Tufted Puffin Near South Marble Island Sea Lions, South Marble Island Tufted Puffins Near South Marble Island Mountain Goat and Kid, Glacier Bay
Rendu Glacier, Glacier Bay Lamplugh Glacier, Glacier Bay Grand Pacific Glacier, Glacier Bay Carroll Glacier, Glacier Bay Margerie Glacier, Glacier Bay
Grand Pacific and Margerie Glaciers, Glacier Bay Margerie Glacier, Glacier Bay Margerie Glacier, Glacier Bay Margerie Glacier Detail, Glacier Bay Becky and Jim in Front of Margerie Glacier
Glacier Bay Scenery Glacier Bay Scenery Black Bear in Geikie Inlet NG Sea Lion Passengers Watching Bear
Sunset in Bartlett Cove NG Sea Lion at Sunset in Bartlett Cove

6-3-09 Daily Expedition Report (PDF file from

Day 3 Album - George Island, Elfin Cove, Inian Islands

Day 5 Album - Lake Eva, Chatham Strait & Red Bluff Bay

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