Alaskan Expedition Photos, 5/31/09 - 6/7/09

Day 5 - Lake Eva, Chatham Strait & Red Bluff Bay

The morning of Day 5, Thursday June 4, found us back at the entrance to Peril Strait, near the north end of Baranof Island. A Zodiac landing took us to the mouth of Eva Creek, to begin hiking along a National Forest Service Trail to Lake Eva. Parts of the trail have planks over creeks, which were made challenging by the late spring snow still on the trail in places.

The afternoon was spent leisurely cruising to Red Bluff Bay, where a variety of birds and Alaskan brown bears combined with the shear cliffs of the fiord provided enough excitement to make us forget dinner until the crew arrived on deck with trays of goodies.

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Zodiac Landing at Lake Eva Trail Lake Eva Scenery Kayakers at Lake Eva
Entrance to Red Bluff Bay Red Bluff Bay Scenery Red Bluff Bay Scenery Red Bluff Bay Scenery
Red Bluff Bay Scenery Waterfall in Red Bluff Bay Waterfall in Red Bluff Bay Waterfall in Red Bluff Bay Red Bluff Bay Scenery
Grizzly Bear in Red Bluff Bay Grizzly Bear in Red Bluff Bay Grizzly Bear in Red Bluff Bay
Becky in Front of Red Bluff Bay Waterfall Tourist Feeding Frenzy

6-4-09 Daily Expedition Report (PDF file from

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Day 6 Album - Ideal Cove & Petersburg

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Copyright ©2009  James A. Morman